Michaela McGivern, Medium + Energy Medicine Practitioner

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Channeling: Collapse and Reconnection

Channeling from the Archangels, Metatron and Mary Magdalene

You are in a world that is collapsing under the pressure of the male dominance and oppression of those who are of color and less financially resourced. The mystery of this process will unfold to show you new ways of being a global citizen and a good neighbor. It will be necessary to consolidate living spaces and arrangements as many may not be able to survive on their own. This is a positive change and one that will support society to become more integrated and kinder.

This may also be accompanied by the collapse of the political system that has ruled for the past 200+ years in the US and for more than 2000 years in the Western culture. China and Russia are deeply ensconced in the repression of humankind and it will become evident that their influence will be felt in the Western cultures as well. 

The purpose for this is to wake up civilization to the crimes against the deepest parts of humanity- your hearts and souls. The disconnection from the Spiritual aspect of life has led to a disintegration of the human Spirit and a disconnection with the wonder of Nature and the all that is. 

Every soul that has incarnated at this time has a role to play in the awakening. Whether they are holding the dark energy to illuminate your own darkness or bringing light to situations that are in need of healing, all is important and needs to be embraced as part of the evolution of consciousness on this planet and in the universes. This battle between the shadow and light is an eternal one that is designed to bring us into the coherence with the truth that everything that is not Love is an illusion or covering the truth of love, that binds the existence of nature together. 

If we look at the animal, insect and microbial kingdom they exist because of symbiosis, and through creation and destruction. There is not judgement when one consumes another and then gives life to another. This is the cyclical nature but with humans we step in and judge it so it becomes something to resist rather than something to be embraced. This may sound confusing because many of you are on the path to enlightenment and want to work with your shadow so that you can be more responsible for your actions and the effects that they have. This is not in contradiction to what we are saying. Because the more that you are accepting of your shadow and light, the closer you are to the truth of creation -that all of it exists for the sake of waking up to LOVE, where there is no judgement. It just is.

So, in your everyday lives, be kind with yourselves and forgive others when they are not so kind or attentive. Find a place of acceptance with the chaos that is unfolding in your lives by retreating to a practice that brings you into coherence with your Spirit and your world. This will nourish you deeply while things disintegrate and reorganize in the external world. Remember in the Spiritual realm there is not time or space to be bound by. All of this is for the deepening of the Soul to find its way back to the source of LOVE within and around us.

We are standing by and willing to be of assist to any of you who ask, as we are servants of the world of peace and we love each of you. You are not alone.