Michaela McGivern, Medium + Energy Medicine Practitioner

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Heart Opening by Fire

Have you ever been touched by a life-threatening event that brought out a generous or courageous aspect of you that you did not know before? Recently many people have been severely affected by floods, tornadoes, and landslides and need help. There is something so amazing how a community comes together in unexpected ways to give and care for others with kindness and love. In these challenging situations we are propelled to be our most generous selves which is the essence of who we really are. 

This is about how my heart was opened after a devastating fire and how miracles happened. 

In 2017, Sonoma County, California (where is used to live)  was besieged by wildfires and many people evacuated or lost their homes. The local hospital where I worked was closed and I wanted to do something to help out, so I volunteered in the shelter for the frail and elderly. After many decades working with geriatric populations I was comfortable with this population and knew what they might need, so I threw myself into organizing the logistics of the project.

What was truly amazing was how everything that we needed for these traumatized people showed up once we identified the need. Whether it was a cord to recharge a wheelchair or special medication for an individual, it seemed to appear soon after we put it on our wish list. At 6:30 one morning, I looked up and saw the face of a doctor that I was friendly with. We had identified that we needed an MD the day before and put out the word, but none was available. He came on an impulse, knowing he could serve.  I stood there in amazement and with tears of gratitude as he came through the door. Nurses with expertise in field trauma showed up to fill the gaps and get medications for people who had left home without them. 

Compassionate and kind people came to sit and listen to those who were traumatized. Volunteers showed up to clean bathrooms, serve food and find supplies in the community. The outpouring of love and kindness was unrivaled by anything I have ever seen before. Massage therapists came by to offer healing touch in their spare time. Everyone in the community was significantly impacted by the life threatening fires that raged on for weeks and nearly everyone’s heart opened up in a new way. 

I would love to hear your stories about how your heart has been opened up by an event.